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Histogram is a graphical used to visualize the distribution of a numerical variable. It is a type of bar chart that shows the frequency of each value.

histplot on Seaborn

The histplot function on Seaborn can be used to plot a histogram. This function allow us to normalize the statistics computed in each bin to estimate frequency, density or probability mass using the stat param, and it can also plot a smooth curve over the histogram using kernel density estimate using the kde param.

import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

# simple histogram
sns.histplot(data, x="column_name") # or
sns.histplot(data, y="column_name")

# you can change the bin width
sns.histplot(data, x="column_name", binwidth=30)

# you can change the bin number
sns.histplot(data, x="column_name", bins=30)
#you can use a bin range
sns.histplot(data, x="column_name", bins=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]) # or
sns.histplot(data, x="column_name", bins=range(0, 50, 10)) # or
sns.histplot(data, x="column_name", bins=np.range(0, 50, 10))

# with kde
sns.histplot(data, x="column_name", kde=True)

# you can plot a histogram for a categorical variable passing it on HUE
sns.histplot(data, x="column_name", hue="categorical_column_name")
# to better visualize the data, you can use the multiple param with on of {“layer”, “dodge”, “stack”, “fill”}
sns.histplot(data, x="column_name", hue="categorical_column_name", multiple="stack")

# you can use the stat param to normalize the statistics computed in each bin to estimate frequency, density or probability mass
sns.histplot(data, x="column_name", stat="density")

# you can pass one of {“bars”, “step”, “poly”} to element param to change the element used to draw the histogram
sns.histplot(data, x="column_name", element="poly")

# you can shrink the width of each bin to leave some space between adjacent bins
sns.histplot(data, x="column_name", shrink=0.8)

# you can create a bivariate histogram passing two columns
sns.histplot(data, x="column_1_name", y="column_2_name")


Python Seaborn - 9 | What is a Histogram and How to Draw it in Python using Seaborn