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Types of data model

  1. Conceptual Data Models

    In this level, the domain and business rules are documented. Here all the people involved in the business participate, such as the business analysts, the stakeholders, etc. The main purpose of this model is to represent the entities and their relationships with each other.

    Here are used the MER (Entity-Relationship Model) and UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams.

  2. Logic Data Models

    In this model, the entities are converted to the logic of the DBMS (Database Management System). Here are used the relational model, the object-oriented model, and the XML model.

  3. Physical Data Models

    This model is used by DBMS to save the data. Here the DBA (Database Administrator) is involved. His responsibility is to backup the data, to restore the data, to create the indexes, to create the views, to create the clusters, optimize the performance, etc.

What is data modeling?