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Basic Synchronization Patterns

This are the basic synchronization patterns that can be used to solve a variety of synchronization problems.

In the examples the main function is the main thread, and the f1 and f2 are functions that can be run by threads, they run concurrently and can be run in any order.


Signalizing is a pattern used to a thread wait for another thread to run something. This pattern is used to avoid busy waiting.


  • f1 must run before f2.
  • Thread A or B can run before the other.
# main
f1Done = Semaphore(0)
# Thread A

# Thread B


In this case the semaphore f1Done start with the value 0. So, if Thread B gain CPU first, in the wait the semaphore will be decremented and will become -1, so the thread will be blocked. When Thread A gain CPU, the semaphore will be incremented and will become 0, so the Thread B will be unblocked and will run f2.

If Thread A gain CPU first, the semaphore will be incremented and will become 1, so the Thread B will not be blocked.

Using this pattern, we can guarantee that f1 will run before f2.


Rendezvous is synchronization problem that occurs when Thread A has to wait to Thread B and Thread B has to wait to Thread A.


  • a1 must runs before b2;
  • b1 must runs before a2;
# main

aArrived = Semaphore(0)
bArrived = Semaphore(0)
# Thread A

aArrived.signal() # signalize that Thread A arrived at rendezvous 
bArrived.wait() # wait to Thread B arrive at rendezvous
# Thread B

bArrived.signal() # signalize that Thread B arrived at rendezvous
aArrived.wait() # wait to Thread A arrive at rendezvous


Mutex is a solution to enforce mutual exclusion (event cannot happens at the same time) granting that only one thread will access the lines inside the block starting with mutex.wait() and mutex.signal(), this block of code is called critical region. A common problems works with threads is operation on shared variables, a sum like count = count + 1 take more that 1 operation on the CPU, so only one thread should run this line per time, otherwise the result will be wrong.


  • count is a shared variable.
  • count = count + 1 is a critical region.
  • only one thread can run the critical region at the same time.
# main

mutex = Semaphore(1)
# Thread A

mutex.wait()        # wait to the mutex be free
count = count + 1   # only one thread can run this line per time
mutex.signal()      # signalize that the mutex is free
# Thread B

mutex.wait()        # wait to the mutex be free
count = count + 1   # only one thread can run this line per time
mutex.signal()      # signalize that the mutex is free


Multiplex is a solution like Multex, but now we can have n threads running the critical region at the same time.


  • the critical region should be executed only by n threads at the same time, in this case lets simulate with n = 2.
# main

n = 2
multiplex = Semaphore(n)
# Thread A

# critical region
# Thread B

# critical region
# Thread C

# critical region

In this example, only 2 threads can run the critical region at the same time. So if Thread A and B run first mutex.wait(), then they are running the critical region, the Thread C will be blocked in the mutex.wait().

For this example, we can have 3 scenarios:

Thread AThread BThread C


Barrier is a generalization of the Rendezvous pattern. In this pattern, we can have n threads waiting for each other. So, when n threads arrive at the barrier, all threads are unblocked.


  • n-1 threads must run barrier.wait() before all threads can continue.
# main

n = 3
barrier = Barrier(n)
# Thread A

# Thread B

# Thread C


Let simulate a execution with this 3 threads:

  • The Schedule will order the threads in this order: A -> B -> C;
  1. Thread A will run a1();
  2. Thread A will run barrier.wait(), the barrier will be decremented to 2, and the thread will be blocked;
  3. Thread B will run b1();
  4. Thread B will run barrier.wait(), the barrier will be decremented to 1, and the thread will be blocked;
  5. Thread C will run c1();
  6. Thread C will run barrier.wait(), the barrier will be decremented to 0, and all threads will be unblocked;

Lets implement a Barrier using a Semaphore:

class Barrier() 
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.count = n
        self.mutex = Semaphore(1) # mutex to protect the count
        self.barrier = Semaphore(0)

    def wait(self):
        self.count -= 1
        if self.count != 0:
            self.barrier.wait() # block n - 1 first threads, the last thread never run this line
        self.barrier.signal() # the last thread will be the first to run this line, will unblock one thread and the other threads will run this line in sequence

Reusable Barrier

Need to study more about this pattern.


Need to study more about this pattern.

Queue is a pattern where a thread can wait for another thread to run something. We want that on thread run a code alongside other runs another.


  • f1 must run alongside f2;
  • Thread A or B can run before the other.
# main

f1Queue = Semaphore(0)
f2Queue = Semaphore(0)
# Thread A

f2Queue.signal() # Thread A signalize that it wants to run f1 alongside f2
f1Queue.wait() # Thread A wait to Thread B signalize that it can run f1
# Thread B

f1Queue.signal() # Thread B signalize that it wants to run f2 alongside f1
f2Queue.wait() # Thread B wait to Thread A signalize that it can run f2

This is like a Rendezvous

Lets simulate a execution with this 2 threads:

  • The Schedule will order the threads in this order: A -> B;
  1. Thread A will run f2Queue.signal(), the semaphore f2Queue will be incremented to 1;
  2. Thread A will run f1Queue.wait(), the semaphore f1Queue will be decremented to -1, and the thread will be blocked;
  3. Thread B will run f1Queue.signal(), the semaphore f1Queue will be incremented to 0;
  4. Thread B will run f2Queue.wait(), the semaphore f2Queue will be decremented to 0;
  5. Now both threads are unblocked and can run f1 and f2 alongside.

Exclusive Queue

Exclusive Queue is a pattern where the thread that is blocking is only running with the thread that signalize it.

# main

f1Counter = f2Counter = 0
mutex = Semaphore(1)
f1Queue = Semaphore(0)
f2Queue = Semaphore(0)
rendezvous = Semaphore(0)
# Thread A

if f1Count > 0:
    f2Queue.wait() #t1

# Thread B

if f2Counter > 0:


Condition Variables

This pattern is used to allow a thread take of the scheduling queue until there is a signal from another thread. This allow a thread wait until another thread finish some work.


// main

int is_done;
mutex_t done_lock;
cond_t done_cond;
// Thread A

mutex_lock(&done_lock) // lock the mutex to access is_done
is_done = 1; // signalize that the work is done
cond_signal(&done_cond) // signalize to all threads that are waiting in the done_cond
mutex_unlock(&done_lock) // unlock the mutex 
// Thread B

mutex_lock(&done_lock) // lock the mutex to access is_done
if (!is_done) // if the work is not done
    cond_wait(&done_cond, &done_lock) // wait until the condition is done
mutex_unlock(&done_lock) // unlock the mutex

In this example, the Thread B will wait until the Thread A signalize that the work is done.

The thread B will execute this steps:

  1. Lock the mutex to access the variable is_done;
  2. Check if the work is done;
  3. If the work is not done, call cond_wait that will put thread to wait until the done_cond is done, and will unlock the mutex done_lock;
  4. When the done_cond is done, the thread will be unblocked and will lock the mutex done_lock;
  5. Then the thread will unlock the mutex done_lock and will continue the execution.;

There is another command called broadcast(&done_cond) that will signalize to all threads that are waiting in the done_cond.