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Day 12 of 100 Days of Code

· One min read
Paulo Hernane
Software Engineer

Today I start to integrate Supabase to my project using the expo, I also learn about the new expo router and how to use it.

Using the Supabase I start to learn some new thing like: Row Level Security, Stored Procedures, Triggers, PL/pgSQL, and Functions.

I also learn more about the PostgreSQL and how to use it.

Day 9 of 100 Days of Code

· One min read
Paulo Hernane
Software Engineer

Today was a hard, I had to update the typescript of a old project so I had to study about the typescript module resolution and the tsconfig.json file.

I also studied about Circuit Break and how to implement it in a NodeJS project, I will write about it in the next days.

References that I used to study:

Want to know about the 100 Days of Code Challenge? Check it out here. PT-BR

Day 8 of 100 Days of Code

· One min read
Paulo Hernane
Software Engineer

Today I had a Data Science class and I learned about correlation.You can see my notes here, they are incomplete but at the end of this week I will complete them whem reviewing the content to work on a dataset that I had to finish until thursday.

After that I had some mentorship about distributed systems and some projects to build to improve my skills, you can see the notes here.

Want to know about the 100 Days of Code Challenge? Check it out here. PT-BR

Day 6 of 100 Days of Code

· One min read
Paulo Hernane
Software Engineer

Today was a slow day for me, I can't concentrate to study, but I do some things.

  • Study about Concurrency and Parallelism in general. I see the diferences an learning that they are concepts that are related, but not the same thing. I write a node about it.
  • I study Golang, start to build a Rest API using a tutorial, but I don't finish it because I fell that I need to learn more about the syntax and the language itself. So I build a validate CPF function with some unit tests, and I learn about the go test command. The validate CPF is a nice function to implement in a new language because its need a lot of things like: string manipulation, loops, type conversion, and more. So it is nice to now what you need to now about a new language!

Want to know about the 100 Days of Code Challenge? Check it out here. PT-BR

Day 5 of 100 Days of Code

· One min read
Paulo Hernane
Software Engineer

Today was nice, I study lot of things and at the end of the day I release a game!

I tested the SWC to transpile the ts code, and I setup this to work on a project at work. At afternoon I study about Object Relational Database in college, so I do a little experiments with my professor. At night I studied Godot, and build the 2D game tutorial and release it, you can download it here. I learn a lot of GDScript and the godot engine like: scenes, signals, animation, and more. Was a nice day.

Want to know about the 100 Days of Code Challenge? Check it out here. PT-BR

Day 4 of 100 Days of Code

· One min read
Paulo Hernane
Software Engineer

Today I was very busy with work and college, but I managed to study, so I see this topics today:

I do this in a old work project, I rework the configuration because was old and broken, so I can't share the code, but I will try to do a post about this topics soon.

  • How to configure Typescript with nodemon and ts-node to run a NodeJS project on development mode. I hade some problems with the ESM, that make me see more about use nodenext in the tscompiler configuration.
  • How to configure ESLint and Prettier to work with Typescript.
  • How to configure the build in this configuration. aka tsc --build and tsc --watch.
  • How to use zod to validate data in Typescript. I used this library to parse the .env file and validate the environment variables.

Want to know about the 100 Days of Code Challenge? Check it out here. Brazil: 100 dias de codigo