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2 posts tagged with "Concurrent Programming"

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Day 6 of 100 Days of Code

· One min read
Paulo Hernane
Software Engineer

Today was a slow day for me, I can't concentrate to study, but I do some things.

  • Study about Concurrency and Parallelism in general. I see the diferences an learning that they are concepts that are related, but not the same thing. I write a node about it.
  • I study Golang, start to build a Rest API using a tutorial, but I don't finish it because I fell that I need to learn more about the syntax and the language itself. So I build a validate CPF function with some unit tests, and I learn about the go test command. The validate CPF is a nice function to implement in a new language because its need a lot of things like: string manipulation, loops, type conversion, and more. So it is nice to now what you need to now about a new language!

Want to know about the 100 Days of Code Challenge? Check it out here. PT-BR

Day 1 of 100 Days of Code

· One min read
Paulo Hernane
Software Engineer

Today I started studying Go by doing the exercises in the repository of @wagslane fcc-learn-golang-assets.

In the afternoon I had a data science class in the college and I did an evaluation on histogram interpretation, besides that I started to do an exploratory analysis of the following dataset Students Performace in Exams that will validate a laboratory grade in this discipline.

At night I studied the concept of Conditional Variable that in concurrent programming causes a thread to wait for another to execute, the famous join()!