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2 posts tagged with "Typescript"

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Day 4 of 100 Days of Code

· One min read
Paulo Hernane
Software Engineer

Today I was very busy with work and college, but I managed to study, so I see this topics today:

I do this in a old work project, I rework the configuration because was old and broken, so I can't share the code, but I will try to do a post about this topics soon.

  • How to configure Typescript with nodemon and ts-node to run a NodeJS project on development mode. I hade some problems with the ESM, that make me see more about use nodenext in the tscompiler configuration.
  • How to configure ESLint and Prettier to work with Typescript.
  • How to configure the build in this configuration. aka tsc --build and tsc --watch.
  • How to use zod to validate data in Typescript. I used this library to parse the .env file and validate the environment variables.

Want to know about the 100 Days of Code Challenge? Check it out here. Brazil: 100 dias de codigo

Day 2 of 100 Days of Code

· 2 min read
Paulo Hernane
Software Engineer

Today was a really full day of work, I have been working to finish a project that I have been working on for a while from the company that I work for, so I didn't have much time to code, but I managed to do some things.

First of all I study again some concepts of Data Structure, more precisely, about the Binary Search Tree, I have been studying this topic for a while at the college, but I think that I need to study more about it because a will need to use this concepts soon on a exam, so I will do it in the next days. Here is the code that I wrote today and some references that I used to study.

After that I work a lot to finish a project for the company that I work. As good cause I can apply some concepts that I learn about Next.js and Typescript like React Composition as a example.

At the end of the day I had a English Class that we discussed about the weather, before that I call with my cousin that is a SE in a company from Canada, we talk a lot about my graduation, my studies, jobs in SE, immigration and english, was really nice to collects some career insights.