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How to Code Everyday

· 2 min read
Paulo Hernane
Software Engineer

Code is a skill that you need to practice every day. But some days we don't are in the mood to code, but we fell anxious about it. So, I will share with you some tips that I use to code every day.

1. Create a routine

The first step is to create a routine. You need to define a time to code every day. It can be 30 minutes, 1 hour, or more. The important thing is to code every day.

2. Create a Coding Menu

Some times we want to code but we don't know what to. So create a Coding Menu that you can always look and choose a thing to code based on the time and mood that you have.

A Coding Menu is a list of projects/exercises that you may want to work on. You need to split they on blocks of times, for example, a exercise that you can do in 30 minutes, a project that you can do in 1 hour, and so on. A example:

30 minutesMicro-ProjectsJavaScript Projects for Beginners
30 minutesProgramming ChallengesLeetCode
1 hourPlan & Build a ProjectCreate something that you may use
1 hourStudy alongside you applyFreeCodeCamp
2.5+ hoursWork on a ProjectWork hard on a project that you want to finish

Time is just a example, you can change it to fit your routine. Always ask how much time do you have!

Activity is just a example, must be something fun that you can do, try to build projects!

How To Code Everyday - bigboxSWE