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Day 16 of 100 Days of Code

· One min read
Paulo Hernane
Software Engineer

Today at work I had to start to study a legacy code that I will work with new features soon, to make my life more easy I start doing some this:

  • Create a Wiki to document the project
  • Search for all the deploys and the history of the project
  • Add Sentry to monitor the errors on live project
  • Update some dependencies
  • Update the build process to use the new version of node, and add some new features to the build process (need by some dependencies)

Also at the end of the day I continue to build my POC to test some concepts, today I decided what problem I want to solve. The problem is, I want to process some data using some async data handler, this handler has rate limit and can fail in process data, so I need to implement a solution to retry some times I want, need to handle the rate limit and need to build a circuit breaker to handle the errors, also the handler is in a pipeline, if a handler fail the next handler will be called and the have the same problem.